Stars Forever
Lots of flying geese to make lots of stars
A photo of this gorgeous quilt caught my attention, and I know just the young man to make it for! After some searching, I located the original pattern, Stars and Stripes Forever, in the book "Knockout Blocks and Sampler Quilts" by (who else) Judy Martin. I even found an affiliate shop on Amazon that had a copy, cheap and would ship to my region.
I've purchased two fat-quarter packs of patriotic prints from Missouri Star, and if that's not enough I have plenty of odd bits in my stash to fill it out.
Lots of flying geese to make the white star points for the small stars, and some checkerboards for the centers of the rising stars in the middle. Finish off the middle with setting triangles.
Add a border of more stars with stripes and checkerboards with setting triangles on both sides for a finished top.
The Quilting
to be continued...